Essential Oils
Gifts of the Earth

You may be seeing a lot of information regarding doTERRA essential oils lately and that is a great thing! However, it may be overwhelming when thinking about how to get started with them or how to continue to most efficiently incorporate them into your healthy lifestyle plan!
I get it! I want you to know that I was right there a few years ago too! I never even heard of doTERRA essential oils, and I certainly did not have an understanding of what they were, where they came from or how they could benefit me, my family and basically everyone on Earth in some unique way! And did you know the real meaning of the word “doTERRA?” It is a Latin derivative, meaning “Gift of the Earth.” What could be more simple and beautiful than that? These oils are TRULY Mother Nature’s Gifts of the Earth for ALL OF US!
So I want to share just a little of my personal story about how I got started with doTERRA essential oils.
A while back, I started to struggle with my personal health and wellness. I began having many symptoms I could not explain, nor could the providers that I went to for care. I had already enrolled in my first holistic health coaching program, so I was already on a path of discovery and motivated to make positive changes.
I had noticed that I would miss some work every fall when my annual “fall virus” came on, and it usually started with a sore throat. I happened to attend a local class on doTERRA essential oils one fall season about how they could help our health naturally. In that particular class, we made a DIY throat spray using the On Guard oil, which is called “the Protective Blend.”
I was a bit skeptical, but I knew the universe had me there for a reason. I can honestly say I was impressed with the class, and the information on these essential oils was intriguing to my curious nature. I used the throat spray, as I figured I had nothing to lose. It was meant to be because the sore throat never developed more that season. At that point, I knew there was something to these oils. If just this one oil could help me so much, I wondered, what else could these MANY other oils do? Thus, began the journey of discovery that I am still on!

There is truly a myriad of health benefits and ways these oils and products can support our minds, bodies, and spirits.

These include healthy cellular function, cleansing the body, supporting stress and toxic load, balanced mood, emotions, energy and restful sleep (to name just a few). Since they are too much to list here in detail, if you are interested in learning more about how to take positive, forward movement in your personal health or those you care about, please reach out to me and I will help get you started on your own natural wellness journey!
You can start slow, but DO start! As one of my mottos goes, let’s walk TOGETHER on YOUR journey! It is up to you to make the first step from here! Just click the link below to visit my doTERRA store and get started browsing these Gifts of the Earth. I look forward to welcoming you soon!